Calculate throughput in NS-2

Following awk file will calculate the throughput with running time (throughput versus time).
The following code will count all the received application packets in a network such that we can calculated the network throughput. If a throughput of a specific node has to be calculated, then we can simply add the node_id in the if condition.

The code simply prints the observed throughput during the time_interval through out the simulation time. We can change the time_interval variable according to our requirements.

In the following code:
  • packet_size * recv * 8.0 gives the total number of bits received. Packet size is the size of packed used in Application layer.
  • diving the value by 1000 gives us the throughput in kbps.

#============================= throughput.awk ========================

gotime = 1;
time = 0;
packet_size = 50;
       event = $1
             time = $2
             node_id = $3
             level = $4
             pktType = $7

if(time>gotime) {

print gotime, (packet_size * recv * 8.0)/1000; #packet size * ... gives results in kbps
gotime+= time_interval;

#============= CALCULATE throughput=================

if (( event == "r") && ( pktType == "cbr" ) && ( level=="AGT" ))

} #body

#============================= Ends ============================

Graph generated by above awk script.

P.S: feel free to contact me for any help.


  1. hi sir
    where I need to put this code after which step in my scenario ? and the result will be in the trace file??

  2. Good day sir, please how can i convert my trace file to matlab format, as i am trying to get my input into NN toolbox for training

  3. How to calculate the end -to -end throughput for wired network from source-destination??

    1. let t1 be the send time of first packet by source
      let t2 be the send time of last packet by source
      let n by the number of packets sent
      let s be the size of a packet

      Now, throughput =
      ------------ (in Kbits/s)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for the reply. I have two groups of nodes. group1 has a flowID=1 and group2 has a flowID= 2. I have a dumbbell topology:


    ---Node 1------------Node 2----------- Node 3 (receiver)
    group 2

    I want to calculate the the throughput for group 1 and group 2 ,,,,, I would appreciate your reply.

    1. Dear

      just filter your result through Flow Id , use $7....

  6. nice blog for researcher and for all IT student.

  7. Hello sir,

    If I have the throughput value from the awk script, then after that how should I plot a graph throughput vs time. what will be the next step.
    Plz help.


    1. u may use any graph plotting software such as ms excel, origin, sigma plot etc. as your wish...

    2. Try using gnuplot if you are using linux.
      here is link for tutorials
      Otherwise excel can be fine for beginners.

  8. Hello sir,
    After plotting the graph, how can i conclude that. I can't understand the conclusion for this results.

  9. The graph shows throughput w.r.t time. Increase in throughput means decrease in packet loss whereas, decrease in throughput means increase in packet loss may be due to collision or errrors..

  10. Hi sir,

    I am grateful to you for the code above to generate a graph file from the ns2 tracefile, however, there are few things to note about your code above,

    The code above calculates a fixed packetsize of 50 bytes, not based on user defined on the simulation file, so I modified your code, the calculation to be almost same as this in his tcl code
    puts $f0 "$now [expr $bw0/$time*8/1000000]" # in MB
    from, and compared the initial results, most of the data are the same although some of them are not by about 1-5 offsets I think.

    $bw0 = bytes received
    $time = interval

    where I modified the calculation part is
    print gotime, ((packetsize * recv)/ interval * 8/1000) #for KB

    where the packetsize on above calculations are taken from ns2 tracefile records

    Currently I am working on modifying this to accommodate the new tracefile format

    Thank you so much for this code.


  11. sir can u provide me all the awk script for ns2... plz sir sir help me

  12. Sir i want to implement 802.15.4 in NS2 ....can you please help me....?
    I just want to measure performance parameters.....

    1. ok I will try to make new blog on IEEE 802.15.4 soon. I hope it will be helpful for others also....

  13. Sir what is the maximum value of throughput in a network ..

    1. throughput = number of bits received / time to receive those bits
      however, the number of bits received should be the pure data bits excluding control packets. If you continuously transmit data for 1 sec and measure the throughput for that 1 sec then the throughput is exactly equal to data rate. But in practice, throughput is always less than data rate. The maximum theoretical value of throughput can be close to employed data rate.

  14. Hi sir,

    I'm sorry in going for off-topic a little bit, do you know how to use AODV-UU properly for simulation scripts?


  15. hello Sir,
    I am working with simulation of wired cum wireless topology in ns2. Please tell how to set the bandwidth of the link from the base station to the terminal is
    1Mbps, and the delay is 0.01ms.

  16. Hi sir!!

    how do i get a graph for throughput? can you please tell me the format for calling a graph

    1. you can use any graph plotting tool such as excel or you can also use xgraph command
      link for xgraph is

  17. hi sir ! I'm student from indonesia.

    sir what a difference Old and New trace files ? i have some trouble when i calculate awk from trace files

    this is an error : " awk : awk_throuhput.awk:312:( FNR:52523) fatal:division by zero attemped "

    may i get your sugestion ?

  18. try to check the value of divisor..the error is because you are trying to divide by zero..

  19. Hi Pranesh
    please tell how to make the graph after getting throughput fro different time duration

    1. u may use any graph plotting software such as ms excel, origin, sigma plot etc. as your wish...

  20. it means start time is always 0 for values given in graph in research papers
    because as time increases throughput increases
    means for time duration 20-30
    start time 0 stop time 20
    start time 0 stop time 30

  21. After parsing the trace file I am getting -nan in the output. how to fix this ?

  22. Hi,
    I am trying to calculate throughput ,delay and packet loss for a wired cum wireless network. Please, can you help me in this because the trace file is mixed between the wired and wireless format.

  23. Hi,
    I am trying to calculate throughput ,delay and packet loss for a wired cum wireless network. Please, can you help me in this because the trace file is mixed between the wired and wireless format.

  24. hi,
    I tried this code and I get throughput= -0.0 and start time =400 , end time =0
    What should I do to get the actual throughput?

    1. Did you supply trace file name??
      eg. throughput.awk

  25. Sir,

    I had a doubt in the formula you used in calculating throughput. Aren't the total number of bit supposed to be divided by the time interval, which is two in this case?

    Thank You

  26. i want correct formula for calculating throughput for TCP protocol for wired Network.. pls help me

  27. hello sir,
    i do not understand how the coding was done, please can you explain it line by line.

  28. hello sir,
    i do not understand how the coding was done, please can you explain it line by line.

  29. hello,
    could you help me to calculate throughput and e2edelay for wire networking
    kind regareds

  30. Hi Sir,

    I am new to NS2. I want to plot graph using xgraph tool. I have a simple tcl code of two nodes that send packets to each other. I have an awk script to extract the time and packet size. When i run the awk script i get only a single row from which i cannot plot the graph. Please help me in this code.

    trace file format:

    + 0.51 0 1 cbr 100 ------- 0 0.0 1.0 2 4
    - 0.51 0 1 cbr 100 ------- 0 0.0 1.0 2 4
    + 0.51 1 0 cbr 100 ------- 0 1.1 0.1 2 5
    - 0.51 1 0 cbr 100 ------- 0 1.1 0.1 2 5
    r 0.5108 0 1 cbr 100 ------- 0 0.0 1.0 0 0

    AWK script:

    BEGIN {
    recvdSize = 0
    startTime = 0
    stopTime = 500
    event = $1
    time = $2
    node_id = $3
    node_id = $4
    pkt_size = $6
    level = $5
    # Store start time
    if ($1 == "r" && $5 == "cbr" && pkt_size = 100) {
    if (time < startTime) {
    startTime = time
    # Update total received packets' size and store packets arrival time
    if ($1 == "r" && $5 == "cbr" && pkt_size = 100) {
    if (time < stopTime) {
    stopTime = time
    # Rip off the header
    #hdr_size = pkt_size % 512
    #pkt_size -= hdr_size
    # Store received packet's size
    recvdSize += pkt_size
    #printf("Value of the number of packets",recvdSize)

    END {
    printf("%10s %10g",event, time)
    printf("Value of the number of packets %d",recvdSize)
    printf("Average Throughput[kbps] = %.2f\t\t StartTime=%.2f\tStopTime=%.2f\n",(recvdSize/(stopTime-startTime))*(8/1000),startTime,stopTime)

    Ouput after running the AWK script:

    r 4.5108 Value of the number of packets 160200 Average Throughput[kbps] = 2509.01 StartTime=0.00 StopTime=0.51

    Please help me understanding the code and how to plot the graph.

    Thanks & Regards

  31. kindly help me in understanding where to put the code and how ro observe the results sir

  32. kindly help me in understanding where to put the code and how ro observe the results sir

  33. its a awk file so please read about awk in linux. thanks

  34. hello sir
    can you please provide me awk script for wired network thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. hello sir.. i want to know how to execute this throughput code. where to place this code in tcl file?

  36. Hello sir,
    I want to find out packet loss for AODV and also want to plot graph for that,Please guide me .

  37. hello,
    how to calculate throughput for each and every node in wireless that plotting of graph with numerous values will be accurate

  38. Hello sir?
    I have seen some of your blogs.Please guide me regarding how to integrate packet loss differentiation algorithms for any scenario taken on NS2?
    Thank you sir

  39. hello sir,
    can u help us in the ollowing matter.
    1)using this awk file in our program can we plot xgraph???
    and if yes what is the command for that

    1. You can use bash script for that. Create a bash script, call awk script from bash file and then dump the result into a temp file using '>' operation and then call xgraph.
      You bash file would look like as follows
      ns xyz.tcl
      awk -f throghput.awk > th.txt
      xgraph th.txt

  40. Hi

    Do you have scripts for new trace format?

  41. Sir: How we can change the packet size and time interval between packets in running time. pleas help me Sir!

  42. Sir Awk file not run in ns2
    error -f command not found how?

  43. Sir, can you please explain how to calculate throughput for wireless network using trace and awk files.
